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Safety science

Journal Volume: 60
Journal Issue:
Journal Year: 2013
Articles in SafetyLit: 22

A Human and Organisational Factors (HOFs) analysis method for marine casualties using HFACS-Maritime Accidents (HFACS-MA)

A review of risk factors of accidental slips, trips, and falls among firefighters

An accident causation model for the railway industry: Application of the model to 80 rail accident investigation reports from the UK

An assessment of the OHSAS 18001 certification process: Objective drivers and consequences on safety performance and labour productivity

Analysis of danger management by highway users confronted with a tunnel fire

Analysis of forklift accident trends within Victorian industry (Australia)

Confidence in future helicopter underwater egress performance: An examination of training standards

Development of a safety performance function for motorcycle accident fatalities on Malaysian primary roads

Domain ontology for scenario-based hazard evaluation

Evacuation plan of an industrial zone: Case study of a chemical accident in Aliaga, Turkey and the comparison of two different simulation softwares

How leaders differentially motivate safety compliance and safety participation: The role of monitoring, inspiring, and learning

Investigating collective escape behaviours in complex situations

IT-assisted equipment safety checks system to improve compliance: A case study at a distribution center

Presentation of clustering-classification heuristic method for improvement accuracy in classification of severity of road accidents in Iran

Reducing posted speed and perceptual countermeasures to improve safety in road stretches with a high concentration of accidents

Safety compliance in a highly regulated environment: A case study of workers' knowledge of rules and procedures within the petroleum industry

Safety on Newfoundland's fishing wharves

The design and implementation of knowledge management systems and e-learning for improved occupational health and safety in small to medium sized enterprises

The impact of health and safety investment on construction company costs

The role of effective error management practices in increasing miners' safety performance

Traffic flow-accidents relationship for urban intersections on the basis of the translog function

Understanding safety management system applicability in community sport